Develop an effective grassroots campaign to support legislation in California that makes it harder for parents to avoid public health recommendations regarding infectious disease. Provide a convincing platform and vocabulary for supporters of this controversial bill.


Vaccinate California, is a grassroots organization that co-sponsored the bill to end personal belief exemptions from vaccines for schoolchildren. I am co-founder of this group and conceived of the I <3 immunity campaign which became a coalition of medical and community groups who endorsed the legislation.


Create an irrefutable, positive statement for the campaign name using the Milton Glaser I <3 concept. No one “loves shots” so the slogan had to be truly lovable. Assert consistently positive messages using friendly, accurate copy and candid photos of healthy children. Work to reassert the notion that supporting the health of our communities, through vaccination, benefits everyone.


Vaccinate California and the I <3 Immunity campaign had to be created very fast with no time to finesse. We chose blue in reference to scrubs. We used band-aids and hearts instead of needle imagery.. In addition to the I <3 Immunity logo, I created the Vaccinate California logo and a supporting pin/sticker that says, “Protect Me” that was used in campaign materials.

i <3 immunity

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