I <3 Immunity

CHALLENGE: Develop an effective grassroots campaign to support legislation in California that makes it harder for parents to avoid public health recommendations regarding infectious disease. Provide a convincing platform and vocabulary for supporters of this controversial bill. GROUP: Vaccinate California, is a grassroots organization that co-sponsored the bill to end personal belief exemptions from vaccines […]

Free the Pill

Design Challenge:  Create the visual identity for a women’s reproductive health movement. Strategy:  Identify a color palette, typographic style, and visual system that is both friendly and confident that can sustain a decade long campaign.  Success:  In June 2023, the Free the Pill campaign won its historic victory – FDA approval for over the counter […]

Gap / Old Navy

Old Navy Visual Database 50,000 designs and growing – built with Aritable – This solution overcame a decades old problem. Old Navy Virtual Store built with Mockshop using photos, visual database, and 3D fixture designs. Old Navy Store Magazine Old Navy Magazine – Photo Art Direction and Design Old Navy Magazine – Photo Art Direction […]